Rumblings of a Not-so-Sane (?) Man

Searching for the intangibles are next to impossible if we search using our sensory faculties. As paradoxical as it may sound, we find them by using our heart. Love, the meaning of one’s life, one’s purpose or telos, are all best found using the eyes that are somewhere in our hearts.

Yes, you got that right! I believe that there are things in life that are best discovered via our emotive side more than our rational constitution. Just waking in the morning and seeing the sun’s beautiful ray shimmering on the vast expanse of a rice field or on the beach elicits a feeling that at times move me to just shed a tear or brings a smile on my face. I get the same feeling too after I put down the final page of  a book that I really like.

Julia Robert’s latest flick,  Eat Pray Love, had the same idea. One of these days when I can afford to gallivant around the planet and has little to no worry anymore, I would love to Eat in Italy too. Pray in Tibet and Love in Greece.

One of persons I truly value in the world, a religious priest, once said we should go to these three places and just let our hair down. Forget all our worries. Just live and be carefree for a week or two.

Live. In the past year, I ceased to live. I have been plodding. And being a plodder in this world is not my idea of fun.  I wanna live again. And to live means taking on the mantle of a seeker of wisdom once more.

Thank God, I have some really wonderful friends who have made my search for enlightenment tolerable coz mind you the path towards authenticity is one lonely road. At times, I find myself just wanting to give up. But I keep telling myself that I wanna get out of the dark cave where I have been thrown into.

So friends, if you see me talking to myself or lost in thought, just leave me be. I am just in one of those soliloquies .  Then again, should I become catatonic for longer than a day, slap me hard on my cheek please coz for certain I have collapsed into a schizophrenic world. And that’s one place I don’t want to find myself in. Not yet.


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